kolab ldap migration questions.

Christian Rößler Roessler at FuH-E.de
Thu Feb 5 16:09:15 CET 2009

Gunnar Wrobel schrieb:

> Quoting John McMonagle <johnm at advocap.org>:
>> For my next test imported all of our current ldap records.
>> That worked but having a problem  automating adding the  extra
>> kolabInetOrgPerson records.
>> Probably because I do not understand ldif  well enough :-(
> Try to add a
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> to your entries as kolabInetOrgPerson is just an auxiliary class. There 
> might be other stuff missing though.

Perhaps I can help here a bit, as I have solved these problems some time
ago. I am sorry I never came around to bring my plethora of scripts into
the wiki or the like, but I promise I will do that soon. Or at least
relatively soon.

The script ldif_user_transfer reads entries from a Suse mailexchange
ldap server and brings them into kolab format. It prints ldif's on
stdout. Perhaps it is so not usable, but maybe it can server as a base
for your additions or the like, John.

These entries about "objectClass: companionGroup" you can safely ignore,
delete them - they came from a little extension I made for kolab, to
have posixGroup functionality (this too I want to wiki-fy, if anyone
would be interested).

Again: I do not quite think you can use this script directly, even if I
would find it nice if so. Just use it as a suggetion for a possible way.
please keep also in mind it is written, eh, perhaps a bit
quick-and-dirty... so I take absolutely no responsibility if it eats
your cookies, drinks all your beer and leaves dirty socks on your couch.

In the other file, ldif_uids_transfer_horde_einträge (which is used by
the script) you will find the needed (templated) entries for horde and
the rest, like - just peer into it.

Commentary is in german, by the way - if you have questions, ask me.

Best regards,

(By the way, Gunnar - I cannot compile mysql in *whine* *whine* *heul*.
Another tip, maybe?).

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