Kolab Server 2.2.3 RC1 -- please test!

Sascha Wilde wilde at intevation.de
Thu Dec 17 17:56:12 CET 2009

Good news everyone!

Thanks to a tremendous afford of Thomas, I'm happy to announce that we
have just put the 2.2.3 release candidate on line.  

And when I write "release candidate" I really mean it, so unless anyone
finds a really nasty regression the packages will be renamed to release
on Dec 23ed -- and become our little Christmas present.  :-) 

So go to https://files.kolab.org/server/beta/kolab-server-2.2.3-rc-1/
and grep your copy today!

Thomas and I are grateful for any feedback, problem reports as well as
success stories.

Sascha Wilde                                          OpenPGP key: 4BB86568
http://www.intevation.de/~wilde/                  http://www.intevation.de/
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück; AG Osnabrück, HR B 18998
Geschäftsführer:   Frank Koormann,  Bernhard Reiter,  Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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