Kolab RPM updates - possible?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Dec 15 10:21:21 CET 2009

Quoting Albrecht Dreß <albrecht.dress at lios-tech.com>:

> Am 11.12.09 21:36 schrieb(en) Albrecht Dreß:
>> - lauch a "magic" OpenPKG rpm (?) command to do the upgrade - which one?
> A brutal "/kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -Uhv --force *.rpm" did apparently work...

You should of course ensure that you also follow the specific upgrade  
instructions in the README.1st. But other than that the command you  
used should cause no problems. I don't think you should need the  
"--force" option though. That reinstalls packages that don't need  
this. A simple "for PKG in *.rpm;do /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -Uhv  
$PKG;done" might do the same thing and omit reinstall - I did not test  
this now though.



> Cheers, Albrecht.
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