Switch off SMTP

Jochen May admin at jmay.org
Thu Dec 10 17:56:03 CET 2009


> This looks to me like your server tried to send a mail but was rejected
>  since you seem to be on a blacklist. If you don't want to let your server
>  send mails you could block port 25 outgoing on your router/firewall.

Is there any other way to block port 25? 
I have only a SoHo router and no real firewall. Kolab is running in a xen-domu 
in a small home office.

> > Btw, somebody a idea what this mean to mean:
> > Oct 28 17:39:12 kolab <warning> postfix/smtpd[8307]: warning: database
> > /kolab/etc/postfix/canonical.db is older than source file
> > /kolab/etc/postfix/canonical
> This means that the file /kolab/etc/postfix/canonical has been modified but
>  the db file was not updated. Try postmap /kolab/etc/postfix/canonical this
>  will create a new .db file. I think you need to be running it as kolab
>  user.
That works. 

Thanks and Greetings
Jochen May

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