SyncML/Funambol/Nokia E71/Kolab/Horde

Hermann Himmelbauer dusty at
Thu Aug 20 15:23:28 CEST 2009

Am Mittwoch 19 August 2009 23:03:24 schrieb Alexander Schröter:
> Hi this sounds very promising, would you be so kind to add your Phone to
> the Compatibility List to ensure that other people can use kolab the way
> you do.

At least for me syncing does not work with the very same setup. (Kolab 2.2.2, 
Nokia E71), syncing stops with some meaningless error.

As a workaround, I personally sync things with Outlook and the Konsec 
connector, which works quite o.k. so far.

Best Regards,

hermann at
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