Server fqdn change

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Mon Sep 29 07:06:24 CEST 2008

Quoting Richard Bos <ml at>:

> Op Thursday 25 September 2008 21:48:04 schreef Gunnar Wrobel:
>> > What changes would I have to make if the fqdn of my server changes? I
>> > would certainly have to make changes in Kolab and  Horde. What about
>> > LDAP, Cyrus-Imap? What about Kolab's certificates?
>> You'd definitely also have to change the hostname in LDAP. It is  
>> easy  to break things this way though. I'm pretty certain the  
>> required  procedure has been also already discussed on this list.  
>> So there  should be additional hints available.
> It would be nice if a script pops up, that could take care of the change.
> Perhaps that the script can be stored / developed on the wiki or perhaps an
> issue should be opened for this.
> Related to this is a domain name change from domain1.tld to domain2.tld.  At
> the end the users login name (user at domain.tld) should be changed to.  This
> will be quite challenging...  Also in this case a supporting script would be
> nice to have.

I guess the old domain should be kept. Renaming all the users does not  
make too much sense as that also affects the data stored in IMAP. Its  
easier to solve that by using aliases.

On the other hand this might also cause problems if you add newer  
users in your new domain. They won't be able to share IMAP folders  
with user created in the old domain.

So there are indeed other things to think of. Would be nice to do that  
via a script, yes.



> --
> Richard Bos
> Without a home the journey is endless
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