Kolab doesn't create my mailbox

h3x0g3n h3x0g3n at web.de
Thu Sep 18 11:46:19 CEST 2008


when creating a Kolab user account, Kolab doesn't create a mailbox. 
However I can successfully login into the Kolab administration interface 
and Horde. The login via Imap is also successful, but afterwards I get 
the error: "Mailbox does not exist".
I tried this[1] but it didn't help. The tcpdump command is disabled by 
my provider as I'm running a virtual server.
The only hint I found for my problem is a warning in syslog, which 
appears evry minute:
kolabd[29366]: SD Warning: Unauthorized connection from <my public IP>, 
closing connection

I would be very glad if someone could help or give me a hint



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