Attendee status not shown anymore

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Wed Sep 17 14:55:08 CEST 2008

Hi Saim & Gunnar:

Am 11.09.2008 09:50:02 schrieb(en) Gunnar Wrobel:
> Sounds more like something you should submit as a bug report. From  
> your description I'm not yet clear what the exact sequence of  
> invitation/acceptance/deletion is. Can you also attach the relevant  
> parts of the log in /kolab/var/kolab-filter/log/*

I can confirm this effect on Kolab 2.2 with Outlook 2003 and the latest  
Konsec connector.  For my test, I created two users "Test 1" and "Test  

(1) Test Outlook only
- Test 1 (in Outlook) invites Test 2;
- Test 2 (in Outlook) sees the invitation request and accepts it;
- Test 1 (in Outlook) properly sees the "Accept" message.

(2) Test Outlook - Horde - Outlook
- Test 1 (in Outlook) invites Test 2;
- Test 2 (in Horde) sees the invitation and accepts it;
- Test 1 (in Outlook) gets the broken display as Saim reported.

I had a closer look at the accept messages created by Horde ant Outlook.

The one created by Outlook (i.e. case 1) has the content type  
'text/calendar; method=REPLY; charset="utf-8"'.  The one created by  
Horde is a 'multipart/alternative', containing one 'text/plain' part,  
followed by a 'text/calendar; charset=UTF-8; name=event-reply.ics;  
METHOD=REPLY'.  Outlook displays this part *completely*. i.e. including  
all the envelope headers etc.

After that, I tried to view both accept messages in Horde (which were  
shifted by Outlook from INBOX to "Posteingang"; both have the same  
label in Horde, but a different icon...).  The one created by Outlook  
is still fine, but the Horde one is now shown as in Outlook.  Looking  
at the message source delivered by Cyrus
- the outlook one is now a 'multipart/mixed', with a 'text/plain' and a  
'application/ms-tnef; name=winmail.dat' but
- the Horde one is simply a 'text/plain'.

I also briefly tried KOrganizer 3.5.9 on a FC9 box (which I'm  
apparently too dumb to configure, as it doesn't write it's own  
calendar), and there these messages seem to work with both Horde and  
Outlook.  However, KMail also uses the single-part format (with  
'text/calendar' as mime type) for the "accept" message.  Maybe Outlook  
or the connectors are unable to interpret the multipart format?  Is  
there any way how Horde could be switched to using the single-part  

An other strange effect:  still being logged in as "Test 1" in Horde, I  
click on the Calender - and see only the side bar, and an empty (i.e.  
grey background) top bar!  Click on something else, e.g. address book,  
the top bar reappears, and I see a message "[red '!'] Ein  
Standardverzeichnis für den Typ event existiert nicht!".  Now, what's  
that for an effect?  Never seen it before!  Any idea how & where I  
could debug (or better fix) it?


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