Postfix Virtual Alias Domains & Kolab

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Fri Sep 5 15:33:09 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I have a question about setting up multiple virtual alias domains in  
postfix in conjunction with kolab.

The task is to receive mails from the Internet (and probably also  
internally) not only for, but also for,, etc.  Each and every user  
(including the administrative accounts like www, webmaster, etc. etc.)  
shall receive the messages for all domains, and they shall all be  
submitted into the same inboxes.

In postfix, I have (on an other box) in

mydomain =
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain
virtual_alias_domains =
virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

The file /etc/postfix/virtual contains (among other stuff, like mapping  
e.g. root to a real user)


Is there any support within Kolab for such a scenario?  I understand  
that I could add all secondary domains, and then give each and every  
user an extra alias for the extra addresses, but that sounds like  
pulling a whale on the beach for many accounts.  So IMO the above  
approach would be smarter.

What would be the right way to proceed?  Can I simply add the  
virtual_alias_domains statement and an extra virtual_maps entry to (and of course add the extra virtual file)?  Or would  
that break anything?

Oh, and, btw, why doesn't the default on Kolab contain  
'$myhostname, localhost.$mydomain' as mydestination?

Thanks, Albrecht.

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