automatically re-start LDAP in case of crash

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Thu Oct 30 22:00:39 CET 2008

Hi Gunnar,

sorry for getting back to you so late, I'm currently figthing  
desperately with other stuff (fb lists are always empty...).

Quoting Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel at>:
> Yes, should be okay.

O.k., I have a very simple script now, which I probably extend a  
little bit to periodically send a silly query to the server, so slapd  
will not terminate the connection due to inactivity.  Are you  
interested in it?

> You can increase the log level in   
> /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template.

Hmm, didn't have any crashes since a week now, although the box went  
"live" and sees a lot more traffic.  I switched off SElinux (usually  
not a good idea, but I didn't fully succeed with writing the necessary  
policies) then, btw, maybe this makes a difference?

Cheers, Albrecht.

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