Toltec & Folder Sharing

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Wed Oct 29 14:59:57 CET 2008

Hi all,

I have a question about Kolab folder sharing.  The task is to give a  
number of users access to a shared account which is named, say, support.

So, I first created a Group account with this name within Kolab.  Using  
cyradm, I gave the users who shall be able to access these folders full  
acl access.  When I then open Outlook with the Toltec connector  
(configured for the personal account), I see folders like  
"user/support/Junk", etc.  I cannot see the Inbox of that account.  The  
folders are arranged in a "flat" structure instead on the usual tree.

What I would like to do is
- hide these user/something folders from my "Personal Folders";
- instead have a separate tree for the shared stuff;
- I do *not* want to access the folders using the user name and  
password of the shared account, but with the user name and password of  
the "real" user (this is apparently what is described in the "Proko2  
Doc3" document).

Any insight about a proper setup would be really appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

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