Kolab + GOsa debugging
Alejandro Bednarik
alejandro at xtech.com.ar
Tue Oct 28 14:12:41 CET 2008
Hi Mark. In /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template below
/kolab/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema add
include /kolab/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/samba3.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/goconfig.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/gofirewall.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/gosystem.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/gofon.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/goto.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/goto-mime.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/gofax.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/goserver.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/gosa+samba3.schema
include /usr/share/gosa/contrib/openldap/trust.schema
and in /kolab/etc/openldap/schema/kolab2.schem comment this entry:
# cyrus imapd access control list
# acls work with users and groups
#attributetype (
# NAME 'acl'
# EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
# SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
# SYNTAX{256} )
Also, if after this and run kolabconf, you still have problems, you should
check in /kolab/etc/openldap/schema/kolab2.schema this entry
objectclass (
NAME 'kolabSharedFolder'
DESC 'Kolab public shared folder'
MAY ( acl $
alias $
cyrus-userquota $
kolabHomeServer $
kolabFolderType $
kolabDeleteflag ) )
and delete "acl $".
Hope this help. Cheers!
Mark Pavlichuk wrote:
> I'm trying to get GOsa (a GUI to manage LDAP based services) to
> coexist with Kolab. GOsa ships with its own custom kolab2.schema based
> on v1.22 instead of the v1.27 version that ships with Kolab currently.
> Slapd won't start... The error message slapd gives is here :
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kolab-devel/2008-October/001829.html
> There is more relevant info, file contents etc... in the thread
> following that message.
> Unfortunately my LDAP skills are weak, and although I think I've
> tracked the problem to a particular part of the GOsa supplied schema I
> don't know how to fix things. The latest post in the thread follows
> (Cajus is the lead GOsa developer) :
> Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
>> Am Monday 27 October 2008 07:51:06 schrieb Mark Pavlichuk:
>>> Neil Price from the pkg-kolab-devel mailing list has some queries
>>> about the GOsa kolab2.schema file :
>>> Price,Neil wrote:
>>>>> I did a grep for and it's part of
>>>>> kolab2.schema. Fabian Hickert earlier brought my attention
>>>>> to the fact
>>>>> that I needed to replace the Kolab provided schema with a
>>>>> GOsa provided
>>>>> version. The Kolab provided version contains :
>>>>> objectclass (
>>>>> NAME 'kolabGroupOfNames'
>>>>> DESC 'Kolab group of names (DNs) derived from RFC2256'
>>>>> SUP groupOfNames STRUCTURAL
>>>>> MAY ( mail $
>>>>> kolabDeleteflag ) )
>>>>> The GOsa provided version is slightly different :
>>>>> objectclass (
>>>>> NAME 'kolabGroupOfNames'
>>>>> DESC 'Kolab group of names (DNs) derived from RFC2256'
>>>>> MAY ( mail $
>>>>> kolabDeleteflag ) )
>>>> Thats does not look right. The Kolab one inherits from groupofnames
>>>> but
>>>> the Gosa one inherits nothing. Its also AUXILIARY which means (AFAIK)
>>>> that it cannot be used in a DIT, its only intended for creating other
>>>> objectclasses.
>>>> You are also not supposed to mess with these definitions, they are
>>>> registered with IANA and are supposedly globally unique.
>>>> Maybe go back to Fabian and ask him to explain the logic behind the
>>>> change.
>> The modifications are done by reason. The kolab schema doesn't allow
>> bundling
>> with ordinary group of name objects - which is bad from our point of
>> view.
>> Be sure that you include our schema files (kolab + rfc) and your slapd
>> should
>> start. We're using these for our productive systems - so it works.
>> Cajus
> --
> Mark Pavlichuk
> Strategic IT
> ph. (07)47242890
> m. 0409 124577
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Alejandro Bednarik
XTech - Soluciones Linux para Empresas
(011) 5219-0678
alejandro at xtech.com.ar
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