Horde sql charset error

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Mon Oct 13 08:56:06 CEST 2008

Hi Neil,

Quoting "Price,Neil" <NPrice at gibb.co.za>:

> I get this error in my logs:
> --------
> Oct 10 12:25:01 HORDE [emergency] [horde] Required "charset" not specified
> in horde configuration.
> The file /etc/horde/horde3/../config/conf.php should contain a
> $conf['sql']['params']['charset'] setting.
> --------
> My database is set to "none" in Horde (I'm assuming I don't need mysql when
> using Horde with Kolab)

Indeed you don't need it.

> If I add the setting manually it gets wiped out on the next config change.
> Do I simply ignore the error or am I supposed to be using a database?
> Apologies if this is a really stupid question.

I would not ignore errors in the Horde log files. It looks like the  
person configuring Horde for your system made some mistakes.

> Horde version is 3.3

Not supported with Kolab (yet). At least not from my side. Some bugs  
are to be expected :)

I assume that Kolab-Server-2.2.1 will also provide Horde-3.3 but it  
will have some patches. You are obviously running on one of the native  
ports and as usual some bugs can be expected there.



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