Kolab creates user but does not creates its mailbox (anymore)
Diego M. Vadell
dvadell at linuxclusters.com.ar
Thu Oct 9 22:03:16 CEST 2008
I'm using Kolab 2.2.0 with CentOS 5.2 . I have already used this
combination with great success. Today we unplugged the old Exchange server,
and added the last accounts. To our surprise, those last mail accounts were
in the Kolab administration web page, but the only thing that was missing was
cyrus' mailbox.
We started getting "service unavailable. Command output: Failed to set
recipient: Mailbox unknown. Either there is no mailbox associated with this
name or you do not have authorization to see it. 5.1.1 User unknown,
code=550, original code 550" in postfix' log. Creating the mailbox solved the
problem (using cyradm, and just cm user/XXXX at domain.tdl).
Also, we deleted some users and they got stuck with the "this user is
deleted... waiting for cleanup" message in the admin interface. I restarted
kolabd (openpkg rc kolabd stop , and then start) and those messages went
away, with the deleted accounts. But the first problem still persists.
I added a user with /kolab/libexec/kolab/adduser as the wiki says (
http://wiki.kolab.org/index.php/Kolab2_Server_Troubleshooting_-_Mail_accounts )
and although the user is in the admin web page now, it's cyrus mailbox does
not exists.
Question: What part of Kolab is responsible of creating the cyrus account,
so I can futher troubleshoot it?
Thanks in advance,
-- Diego.
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