Alfresco + Kolab authentication

Marc Patermann hans.moser at
Thu Oct 9 12:52:40 CEST 2008

Antonio Straziota schrieb:

> So, It could be possible using secrets stored in the LDAP?
You _can_ use DIGEST-MD5 authentication against the OpenLDAP server.

> "This section describes the use of the SASL DIGEST-MD5 mechanism using 
> secrets stored either in the directory itself or in Cyrus SASL's own 
> database. DIGEST-MD5 relies on the client and the server sharing a 
> "secret", usually a password"
> Is it correct?
You do not trust the official OpenLDAP documentation? :)

DIGEST-MD5 is an shared secret mechanism. The shared secret can be the 
password. This depends on clear text passwords in LDAP, otherwise you 
don't have the same secret to share.
An alternative secret store would be sasldb2 or Kerberos i.e. But I 
don't think this is what you want.

> I'll try it. Thanks for the help...
> PS: Any other suggetion are welcome :D
I don't really see an alternative. You have the Kolab LDAP server which 
is OpenLDAP and you want to use shared secret auth against it which 
OpenLDAP offers. Done.


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