Add logging info for untrusted sender

Loïc Elineau loic.elineau at
Thu Nov 27 11:36:10 CET 2008

Hi all,
Since a few days, we experience new kind of spam: somes use one of our address 
to send spam to the same address.
For example: spammers pretend being "contact at" to send spams to 
"contact at".
The result is, that the spam is effectively sent to "contact at" 
even if the sender is prefixed with "UNTRUSTED"

Is there a way to block untrusted sender if they pretend being from a domain 
at the kolab server? Another solution should be to add logging info to 
portfix.log (and thus eject them thew fail2log). But how to achieve this?

best regards,

Loïc Elineau
Bene Facere

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