Log Rotation Question

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at lios-tech.com
Sun Nov 23 18:45:12 CET 2008

Quoting Albrecht Dreß <albrecht.dress at lios-tech.com>:
> looking through the log files of my Kolab 2.2.0 installation, it seems
> as if the files in the folders
> /kolab/var/kolab-filter/log
> /kolab/var/kolab-freebusy/log
> are not being rotated.

Having a closer look at it, this seems to be a bug  

Furthermore, the file /kolab/var/kolab-filter/log/fatal.log contains  
lots of messages like

PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  xxx in  
/kolab/lib/php/Kolab/Filter/Resource.php on line yyy

Now, is this just a notice which can be ignored (as the entry  
suggests), or is this a fata error (as the file name implies)?  The  
same applies also for /kolab/var/kolab-freebusy/log/php-error.log, btw.

Thanks, Albrecht.

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