Mailbox does not exist

Jan - Hendrik Meyer jaheme at
Sun Nov 9 18:17:32 CET 2008


anbei ein LDIF Export des nicht funktionierenden Eintrages:

version: 1

# LDIF-Export für: cn=Norbert Langemeyer,ou=People,dc=home
# Suchbereich: base
# Suchfilter: (objectClass=*)
# Anzahl der Listeneinträge: 1

# Eintrag 1: cn=Norbert Langemeyer,ou=People,dc=home
dn: cn=Norbert Langemeyer,ou=People,dc=home
objectClass: kolabInetOrgPerson
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: hordePerson
kolabInvitationPolicy: ACT_MANUAL
shadowWarning: 10
shadowInactive: 10
shadowMin: 1
shadowMax: 365
shadowLastChange: 14185
homeDirectory: /home/norbertlang
loginShell: /bin/bash
uid: norbertlang
cn: Norbert Langemeyer
uidNumber: 20000
gidNumber: 10002
userPassword: {SSHA}1ezeZyrbCjlrtVOwZS28FIZq28SvYfRi
sn: Langemeyer
givenName: Norbert
mail: norbert at home
hordePrefs: default_identity:MA==
hordePrefs: identities:YTowOnt9
hordePrefs: confirm_email:YTowOnt9
hordePrefs: id:
hordePrefs: fullname:
hordePrefs: from_addr:
hordePrefs: security_question:
hordePrefs: security_answer:
hordePrefs: alternate_email:
hordePrefs: language:
hordePrefs: timezone:
hordePrefs: twentyFour:
hordePrefs: date_format:JXg=
hordePrefs: first_week_day:MA==
hordePrefs: theme:Ymx1ZXdoaXRl
hordePrefs: categories:
hordePrefs: category_colors:
hordePrefs: summary_refresh_time:MzAw
hordePrefs: show_sidebar:MQ==
hordePrefs: sidebar_width:MTUw
hordePrefs: menu_view:Ym90aA==
hordePrefs: menu_refresh_time:MzAw
hordePrefs: do_maintenance:MQ==
hordePrefs: last_maintenance:MA==
hordePrefs: confirm_maintenance:MQ==
hordePrefs: initial_application:aG9yZGU=
hordePrefs: widget_accesskey:MQ==
hordePrefs: portal_layout:YToyOntpOjA7YToxOntpOjA7YTo0OntzOjM6ImFwcCI7czo1Oi
hordePrefs: remote_summaries:YTowOnt9
hordePrefs: last_login:YToyOntzOjQ6InRpbWUiO2k6MTIyNTY0MjczMztzOjQ6Imhvc3QiO
hordePrefs: show_last_login:MQ==
hordePrefs: editor_plugins:YToyOntpOjA7czo4OiJMaXN0VHlwZSI7aToxO3M6MTI6IkNoY

I hope this helps to find a solution.

Jan-Hendrik MEyer

Gunnar Wrobel schrieb:
> Quoting Jan - Hendrik Meyer <jaheme at>:
>>  Hello,
>> after I installed so SuSe integration package sucessfully, I've started
>> to integrate Linux authentification with ldap. I used the LDAP Account
>> Manager to manage the account. I created a account with the unix schemas
>> and the kolab schemas for testing.
>> I can login the xserver and a mailbox has also been created.
>> But there is one error:
>> lmtp[29919]: verify_user(home!user.norbertlang) failed: Mailbox does 
>> not exist
>> I think the cause could be that the user name need to be different to 
>> the username,
>> if I use the kolab and unix schema
>> (because the username doesn't support the @)
> I'm not 100% certain I understand how you merge the two schemas or how 
> a user account looks in your case. Maybe you could attach an LDIF output.
> In any case a Kolab user should always have an email address as 
> primary identifier. You may use the uid for any additional IDs and I 
> think you should be able to use this one for uinx login.
> Cheers,
> Gunnar
>> Are there any solutions?
>> Thanks
>> Jan-Hendrik
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