bounced on alias name

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Mon Nov 3 20:44:13 CET 2008

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Thorsten Schnebeck
<thorsten.schnebeck at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use a kolab 2.2 master slave setup.
> master server 1 lives in the internet and is imap host of domain A
> slave server 2 lives in an intranet and is imap host of domain B
> Kolab uses an LDAP mirror in a master slave setup.
> There is user alpha. User alpha is a member of both domains. As in current
> Kolab you can not put one person to two email accounts user alpha uses one
> email address and an alias name:
> mail: alpha at domain.a and alias: beta at domain.b
> Everything works fine BUT I have here one side effect:
> if I send a message as beta at domain.b to e.g. gamma at domain.b and
> kolabfilter has a problem (like exe-file as attachment) and wants to inform me,
> I see this:
>  to=<beta at domain.b>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter, delay=0.16,
> delays=0.02/0.01/0/0.13, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced (service
>  unavailable. Command output: Failed to set recipient: Mailbox unknown.
> Either there is no mailbox associated with this name or you do not have
> authorization to see it. 5.1.1 User unknown,
>  code=550, original code 550)
> This is correct, there is no mailbox "beta at domain.b" as this is only an alias.
> This also happens when I don't use an alias but a distribution list.

This is a bug I have already reported, the problem is the bounced
email is not 'injeted' in
top of the email process (where the aliases stuff are done), but after
the antivirus check !
Any bounced email is clean and then dont need a anti-(virsu/spam)
verification, this was the idea.
But then you lose all the aliases stuff !

in /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template, you can modify the line

$notify_method = $forward_method;          # where to submit notifications

by someting like

$notify_method = 'smtp:@@@local_addr@@@:25';     # where to submit notifications

> Why does postfix and co does not know that a special alias belongs to a
> special mailbox?
> Anyone?
>  Bye Thorsten
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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