Free/busy lists broken - HELP!

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Mon Nov 3 05:54:38 CET 2008

Quoting Albrecht Dreß <albrecht.dress at>:

> Quoting Albrecht Dreß <albrecht.dress at>:
>> /kolab/var/kolab-freebusy/cache/ and all files and sub-folders are
>> world-readable, i.e. the usual owner is kolab-n:kolab-n, files have
>> (at least) 0644 permissions, and folders 0755.  Or are you referring
>> to /imap/ folder permissions?
> As to get more information about this bug and following a hint by
> Saim, I made a few tests.  Before starting each test, I completely
> erased the contents of the /kolab/var/kolab-freebusy/cache folder and
> then triggered the re-generation of the fb lists for
> "first.user at" and "second.user at" by calling
> the /freebusy/trigger/<user-name>/Kalender.pfb uri's as calendar user.
>   Here are my observations:
> (1) Enable unauthorised download of fb lists in the admin ui (my
> standard setting).
> The file aclcache.db does not contain data, the file xaclcache.db
> contains two lines in the form
>   calendar at
>   my-domain^com/first^user/Kalender,my-domain^com/second^user/Kalender
> The Kalender.pvc files seem to contain the proper appointment data.
> However, when I download the fb list via the /freebusy/<user-name>.ifb
> uri, I get the dummy freebusy lists.  The same applies for the *.vc
> files.  The log file tells me: "Free/busy data of owner
> first.user at on server requested
> by user ."
> (2) Disable unauthorised download of fb lists in the admin ui.
> The contents of the x?aclcache.db files is the same as above.  And,
> again, the Kalender.pvc files seem to contain the proper data.
> When I now try to access the *.ifb uri's, Firefox asks me to
> authenticate.  Entering first.user at and the proper
> password, I still get empty (dummy) fb lists, bor *both*
> first.user at and for second.user at  However,
> the *.vc files now reside in the
> my-domain^com/first^user/my-domain^com/ sub-folder of the cache
> folder, and are all "dummy" ones.
> BTW, the log file now says "Free/busy data of owner
> first.user at on server requested
> by user first.user at"
> (3) Switch back to unauthorised download.  The log file still says
> that I try to download as authenticated user, and the vc files are
> created below each "user folder", but they are still "dummy" ones.
> I added some more debug calls to
> /kolab/lib/php/Kolab/Freebusy/Cache.php (which seems to be used by
> /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/freebusy.php), and apparently it
> consults the file /kolab/var/kolab-freebusy/cache/aclcache.db.  As
> this one seems to be always empty, this might be an explanation for
> the empty fb lists.
> This leads me to the question if I completely misunderstood the
> concept of fb lists (which IMHO should *always* return the fb
> information for every user, regardless of the IMAP acl setting for the
> Calender folder which should only apply to the /contents/ of
> appointments, right?), of if the creation of the lists and/or the
> related ACL's is broken.
> Still, the big question is how to fix this bug...

Can you check if the patch in helps?



> Thanks, Albrecht.
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