LDAP not Restored

Paul Douglas Franklin pdf at yugm.org
Tue May 27 19:05:00 CEST 2008

Ok, that went thru as html.  I found where I went wrong.  So this should 
be plain text.

Alain Spineux wrote:
> On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 3:09 AM, Paul Douglas Franklin <pdf at yugm.org> wrote:
>> I ran the restore without it registering any complaints.  But when I
>> tried to log in to the web interface, I got the following message:
>> Errors:
>> Could not bind to LDAP server: invalid credentials.
>> I don't know whether the credentials were valid when I ran the bootstrap
>> routine.  I didn't test at that point.
> Did you try to login with other users ?
I should have specified that I got the message as soon as I loaded the 
main web page, before I ever entered the username and password.  I did 
attempt to login as manager despite the grim outlook, but I did not try 
as another user.
Given this further information, would it still be good to try Gunnar's 

Paul Douglas Franklin
Computer Manager, Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington
Husband of Danette
Father of Laurene, Miriam, Tycko, Timothy, Sarabeth, Marie, Dawnita, Anna Leah, Alexander, and Caleb

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