Michael Feldmann mfeldman at
Thu May 22 12:00:15 CEST 2008

Bernhard, thanks for your hints. I did the openPKG installation from the 
sources. What I got wrong, however, was the version of my server: it is 
in fact even older, a SUSE 9.0. Could this be of any importance? I 
understood the openPKG concept as building a complete "environment of 
its own".

In the meantime I have setup a virtual suse10.2 under vmware inside the 
suse9.0, and I will try and install the complete openPKG inside this 
virtual server and see where this gets me.

Sniffing the communcation, as you proposed, I have never done before. 
Thus, I will have to do some reading beforehand.

> On Wednesday 14 May 2008 14:30, Michael Feldmann wrote:
>>> I have setup kolab 2.2 from the development branch on a SUSE9.3 server,
> Which version did you set up precisely? Kolab Server/OpenPKG?
>>> having seen no problems, the web interface starts and I have
>>> introduced two
>>> users. Then I start the Toltec connector out of office2003 from a winxp
>>> client which seems to work as well. The "test" button in the Toltec
>>> connector returns many OKs, then stops with the following error:
>>> "FEHLER: der GETANNOTATION-Aufruf schlug fehl"
>>> saying
>>> "ERROR:  the GETANNOTATION call failed".
>>> and I cannot access the kolab resource.
>>> The same error from another xp-client, so it seems a problem of the
>>> server.
> A next step in analysing the problem would be to sniff the communication
> between client and server. (See the wiki for hints.)

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