Backup/restore process

Paul Douglas Franklin pdf at
Mon May 12 23:10:14 CEST 2008

Friday evening I attempted the backup and restore process at
and ran into several problems.  I have diagnosed (but not tested) one of 
those as a permissions problem because the new system gave kolab-r a 
different UID.  But here are others:
When I ran

rm -rf /kolab/var/openldap/openldap-data/*
/kolab/sbin/slapadd -l backup/ldap/kolab-ldap.ldif

it gave me the following:

Warning:  no DB_CONFIG file found in directory:  /kolab/var/openldap.

This line looks strange to me:

chown -R kolab\:kolab /kolab/var/openldap/openldap-data

When I look at the chown documentation, I see nothing to explain the \ 
after kolab.  Is the line typed correctly?

Paul Douglas Franklin
Computer Manager, Union Gospel Mission of Yakima, Washington
Husband of Danette
Father of Laurene, Miriam, Tycko, Timothy, Sarabeth, Marie, Dawnita, Anna Leah, Alexander, and Caleb

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