Kolab 2.2rc2 Debian packages [was: Kolab Web Server Integration]

Lionel NICOLAS kolab at nividic.org
Mon May 5 14:41:57 CEST 2008

Thank you so much for your help ! I'll try this this evening ;-)

I'll give you my feedback tomorrow.

Scott Hicks a écrit :
> On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 2:18 AM, Lionel NICOLAS <kolab at nividic.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  Finally I'm trying to install Mathieu Parent's Debian package on an
>>  Ubuntu Server 8.04.
>>  I had his repostiory in my sources.list and run an "apt-get update &&
>>  apt-get install kolabd". The install ended succesfully but I cannot run
>>  Kolab ... After apt-get, I stopped all services (apache, postfix,  ...),
>>  and I run "kolab_bootstrap -b" to configure Kolab (slapd should not be
>>  in the packages dependancies because I installed it manually).
>>  During the bootstrap, I got this error :
>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>  Check for running webserver on port 80
>>  Check for running webserver on port 443
>>  Check for running imap server on port 143
>>  Check for running imap server on port 220
>>  Check for running imap server on port 585
>>  Check for running imap server on port 993
>>  Check for running pop3 server on port 109
>>  Check for running pop3 server on port 110
>>  Check for running pop3 server on port 473
>>  Check for running pop3 server on port 995
>>  Check for running smtp server on port 25
>>  Check for running smtp server on port 465
>>  Check for running ftp server on port 21
>>  Check for running Amavis Virus Scanner Interface on port 10024
>>  Check for running Kolab daemon on port 9999
>>  Check for running OpenLDAP server on port 636
>>  Check for running OpenLDAP server on port 389
>>  Check for running Sieve server on port 2000
>>  Excellent all required Ports are available!
>>  LDAP repository is empty - assuming fresh install
>>  Please enter Hostname including Domain Name (e.g. thishost.domain.tld)
>>  [hostname.lan]: host.domain.com
>>  Proceeding with Hostname host.domain.com
>>  Do you want to set up (1) a master Kolab server or (2) a slave [1] (1/2):
>>  Proceeding with master server setup
>>  Please enter your Maildomain - if you do not know your mail domain use
>>  the fqdn from above [domain.com]:
>>  proceeding with Maildomain domain.com
>>  Kolab primary email addresses will be of the type user at domain.com
>>  Generating default configuration:
>>  Top level DN for Kolab [dc=domain,dc=com]:
>>   base_dn : dc=domain,dc=com
>>   bind_dn : cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=domain,dc=com
>>  Please choose a manager password [BpJ7ZFeWOs36c2wV]: password
>>   bind_pw : password
>>  done modifying /etc/kolab/kolab.conf
>>  use login=manager and passwd=password when you log into the webinterface!
>>  Enter fully qualified hostname of slave kolab server e.g.
>>  thishost.domain.tld [empty when done]:
>>  prepare LDAP database...
>>  temporarily starting slapd
>>  Could not start temporary slapd:  at /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap line 509.
>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>  For debugging, I launch slapd manually using this command (the same as
>>  in /usr/sbin/kolab_bootstrap line 509, with debug) :
>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>  # /usr/sbin/slapd  -h ldap:// -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf -u
>>  openldap -g openldap -d 10
>>  @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.7 (Apr  7 2008 21:31:23) $
>>  buildd at 
> rothera:/build/buildd/openldap2.3-2.4.7/debian/build/servers/slapd
>>  could not open config file "/usr/share/kolabd/schema/kolab2.schema":
>>  Permission denied (13)
>>  slapd stopped.
>>  connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.
>>  ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>  I've chown this file to 'openldap' or 'kolab', chmod 666 on it too, this
>>  command is still failing ...
>>  Does anyone ever had this problem?
>>  Thanks,
>>  --
>>  Lionel
> Hi Lionel,
> I'm not using the same deb that you mention (I'm using the one in the Ubuntu 
> Server 8.04 release) but I've been hitting the same problem for several 
> days but I finally found the underlying problem.  Ubuntu Server 8.04 has 
> AppArmor installed and has an enforced profile for slapd.  That results in 
> slapd not having read permissions in the directory where the kolab2.schema 
> file is located.  You have several options to fix this.  You can turn off 
> AppArmor all together (not recommended), you can update the AppArmor 
> profile for slapd to include the needed directory, or you can remove the 
> enforcement of the AppArmor profile for slapd.  If you want to update the 
> profile you need to edit the file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.slapd and add 
> the following lines;
> /usr/share/kolabd/schema/ r,
> /usr/share/kolabd/schema/* r,
> /etc/kolab/ r,
> /etc/kolab/* r,
> then restart apparmor "/etc/init.d/apparmor restart".
> This will get you past the read permission problems for slapd but there are 
> more problems awaiting you.  The version of slapd on Ubuntu Server 8.04 
> does not like several of the config directives in the slapd.conf that 
> kolab_bootstrap makes, so you will want to 
> edit /etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template to either comment out or 
> delete the lines containing;
> replica-pidfile
> replogfile
> replicationinterval
> schemacheck
> These options don't actually cause a problem for slapd, but they cause slapd 
> to not give the bootstrap script the return value it wants thus causing the 
> kolab_bootstrap script to abort.  Also, in the slapd.conf.template file you 
> will want to adjust a comment on the line containing "idletimeout".  It is 
> a comment at the end of a line and this appears to cause a problem as well.  
> I just moved the comment to a line by itslef and that fixed it.
> The above instructions will get you past all the slapd problems I had, but 
> wait there's more! ;-)  You will then have problems with the webadmin 
> interface.  I had to edit several files that had incorrect paths in them.
>  Edit /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/admin/include/mysmarty.php
> remove “libs” from the line for Smarty.class.php it should read;
> require_once('smarty/Smarty.class.php');
> Edit /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/admin/include/headers.php
> remove “/kolab-webadmin” should read;
> $topdir = '/admin';
> Edit /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/admin/logout.php
> remove “kolab-webadmin” should read;
> header('Location: /admin/');
> After all these changes I now have a functioning kolab2 install on my 
> server.
> Scott Hicks
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