Kolab Web Server Integration

Lionel NICOLAS kolab at nividic.org
Mon May 5 14:41:46 CEST 2008


Gunnar Wrobel a écrit :
> Hi Lionel,
> Lionel NICOLAS <kolab at nividic.org> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to configure VirtualHosts in Apache to access to kolab 
>> services, like horde.mydomain.com, freebusy.mydomain.com, etc ...
>> On my server I've already an Apache2 webserver bound to the 80 and 443 
>> ports. I've tried to bind the Kolab's Apache on loopback:81, and use 
>> modproxy_http and modproxy_html to redirect/rewrite requests/responses 
>> from my frontend Apache2 to Kolab's Apache server ... To improve 
>> performances, I modified the httpd.conf.template to use non-ssl 
>> connection on loopback. To sum up, I've tried to do that :
>> Client <=> Apache2 [horde.mydomain.com:443] <=> Kolab []
>> I don't manage to make this config work :-s . The primary reason is that 
>> the rewriting of all the URL and HTML (for example the inclusion of CSS 
>> and JS) is very complicated, and after few hours of config I concluded 
>> that it was not possible ... :-)
>> Finally, I'm trying to configure my Apache2 to process Kolab's 
>> horde/freebusy/etc... (so I could shutdown Kolab's Apache). For the 
>> moment I've fixed some php5 inclusions errors by editing my php.ini. 
>> I've no php5 warning when I access to the Horde login page, but after 
>> submitting my login/pass, I've this error :
>> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined method Auth_kolab::setAuthError() in 
>> */kolab/lib/php/Horde/Auth/imap.php* on line *94
>> So my question is : Does anyone manage to use Kolab's services in 
>> Apache2 ? If someboby has a solution for modproxy, I'll be happy too :-p
> Sounds like you are using Kolab-Server-2.1. Is that correct? If that
> problem is not absolutely urgent for you I'd suggest to wait for the
> final 2.2 release which is due in about a month. This will come with
> apache2 which might make things much easier for you.
> Cheers,
> Gunnar
I'm using Kolabd 2.2rc2. It's not urgent, so I think I can wait for the 
final release ;-)


>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Lionel
>> *
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