Kolab Web Server Integration

Lionel NICOLAS kolab at nividic.org
Thu May 1 01:02:22 CEST 2008


I'm trying to configure VirtualHosts in Apache to access to kolab 
services, like horde.mydomain.com, freebusy.mydomain.com, etc ...

On my server I've already an Apache2 webserver bound to the 80 and 443 
ports. I've tried to bind the Kolab's Apache on loopback:81, and use 
modproxy_http and modproxy_html to redirect/rewrite requests/responses 
from my frontend Apache2 to Kolab's Apache server ... To improve 
performances, I modified the httpd.conf.template to use non-ssl 
connection on loopback. To sum up, I've tried to do that :

Client <=> Apache2 [horde.mydomain.com:443] <=> Kolab []

I don't manage to make this config work :-s . The primary reason is that 
the rewriting of all the URL and HTML (for example the inclusion of CSS 
and JS) is very complicated, and after few hours of config I concluded 
that it was not possible ... :-)

Finally, I'm trying to configure my Apache2 to process Kolab's 
horde/freebusy/etc... (so I could shutdown Kolab's Apache). For the 
moment I've fixed some php5 inclusions errors by editing my php.ini. 
I've no php5 warning when I access to the Horde login page, but after 
submitting my login/pass, I've this error :

*Fatal error*: Call to undefined method Auth_kolab::setAuthError() in 
*/kolab/lib/php/Horde/Auth/imap.php* on line *94

So my question is : Does anyone manage to use Kolab's services in 
Apache2 ? If someboby has a solution for modproxy, I'll be happy too :-p



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