Kolab 2.2 RC2 Horde Calendar Issue

Troy Carpenter troy at carpenter.cx
Tue Mar 18 20:01:53 CET 2008

Greetings all,

After a rocky start with 2.2RC2, I've found one major issue with the calendar 
in Horde.

I am not seeing any events because there are no calendars selected.  In the 
calendar select window in the upper right side of the screen, there is 
no "save" button like there is for tasks and notes.  Therefore, even though I 
can check off my calendar and the one shared calendear I have setup, I can't 
save the selections, so I don't get any events on my calendar.

And just to note, the PHP segmentation faults still happen when reading some 
mails.  I know this affects the one other person who uses Horde on my system, 
since it gets mentioned every now and then.

Troy Carpenter
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