postfix: canonical & relocated required?

Daryl Caudill drokmedkolab at
Thu Mar 6 20:41:31 CET 2008

Hi all, my first post here.

I've installed Kolab on Debian Lenny (testing), using
the .deb packages.  Installs fine.

Note: Due to openldap v2.4 not yet supported in kolab,
had to install v2.3 slapd and libldap from etch
archives.  Works fine.

Ran the kolab_bootstrap -b ... runs fine.

Everything is working, can send/receive via kmail on
laptop, and external site (yahoo).

In the /etc/postfix/ file, I have to comment
out these two lines, because those databases do not

canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
relocated_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relocated

Otherwise, in /var/log/mail, postfix/smtp complains
they don't exist.

I've noticed every time I make a change from the
kolab-webadmin change services screen, those two lines
are added back in automatically.  I then manually
comment the 2 lines out again, and everything works

My question is: do I need to manually create those,
and if so, anything particular needed in them?  I'm no
postfix expert, but I am working my way through this.

Thanks for reading

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