2.2-rc3 critique: FAILS '"' CONTAINING PASSWORDS!!!!
Johannes Graumann
johannes_graumann at web.de
Thu Jun 19 20:53:52 CEST 2008
Hi again,
/kolab/sbin/testsaslauthd -u ohannes.graumann at graumanage.net -p PASSSWORDl
0: OK "Success."
So in conclusion:
- simple ldap bind (/kolab/bin/ldapsearch)
- sasl works as well!
- horde still can't authenticate
/kolab/var/apache/log/horde/horde.log reads:
Jun 19 20:17:37 HORDE [error] [horde] FAILED LOGIN for
johannes.graumann at graumanage.net [] to Horde [pid 7190 on
line 157 of "/kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/login.php"]
/kolab/var/apache/log/php/php-errors.log read:
[19-Jun-2008 20:17:37] PHP Notice: Unknown: Connection failed to
morannon.homelinux.org.homelinux.org,143: Connection refused
(errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0
This get's me thinking: somewhere my server name is put together
wrongly: morannon.homelinux.org becomes
morannon.homelinux.org.homelinux.org and doesn't work. There's also a
ton of messages in amavisd logs that read something like
Jun 19 20:08:27 morannon.homelinux.org /kolab/sbin/amavisd[6067]:
(06067-02-14) Passed CLEAN,
<daemon at morannon.homelinux.org.homelinux.org> ->
<root at graumanage.net>, Hits: -0.36, tag=3, tag2=6.3, kill=6.3,
queued_as: 75A57214955, L/0/0/0
so same problem here ...
My /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf has the right (short) version of the
server name ...
Where may this be hiding? A grep for the long form isn't helping =
likely put together on the fly ...
Aside from all of this:
LDAP lookup from within kontact: still NO TLS or SSL - not even hashed
sasl authentication.
Thanks for listening, Joh
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