Unable to lock maildrop: Mailbox is locked by POP server
Alain Spineux
aspineux at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 21:14:35 CEST 2008
2008/6/18 Alexander Marx <marx at oab.de>:
> Hi list
> I have a prob with a locked mailbox. Error is:
> Unable to lock maildrop: Mailbox is locked by POP server.
> It is initiated by a software that looks all 2 Minutes in the account
> and should get the mails from there (pop3).
> Where can i delete the lockfile?
Maybe kill the POP process, not sure their is any lock file
> --
> Alexander Marx
> Fachinformatiker Systemintegration
> ACE (Astaro certified engineer)
> LPIC (101)
> Ostangler Brandgilde
> Flensburger Str. 5
> 24376 Kappeln
> Tel.: (04642) 91 47 - 62
> Fax: (04642) 91 47 - 77
> Web: http://www.ostangler.de
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Hans-Walter Jens
> Vorstand: Friedrich Windgassen, Jens-Uwe Rohwer
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Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
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