Brand new installation

Christian Tardif christian.tardif at
Wed Jun 18 05:49:47 CEST 2008

Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008 04:25:03 schrieb Christian Tardif:
>> I finally found my way thru the compilation of kolab 2.2rc3 under
>> Mandriva 2008.1 (in fact, I had to find out obmtool and obmtool.conf, in
>> which I had to list the proper files to compile).
> What did you have to change?

OK....  I realized that I took installation procedure for 2.1 version. I 
just started (from scratch) the installation of rc3 with the procedure 
described at:

so, this is with script. I'm now getting this at some time:

/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg: command substitution: line 298: unexpected 
EOF while looking for matching `''
/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg: command substitution: line 300: syntax 
error: unexpected end of file
/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg: line 298: exec: shtool:path:Error:: not found

How do I get rid of that, so I can go through the whole setup?


Christian Tardif

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