Reject instead of bounce

Carsten Burghardt carsten at
Tue Jun 17 09:20:36 CEST 2008

Alain Spineux schrieb:
>> Does this append when the email is sent by a non authenticated user
>> sending from outside of
>> your local network ?
>> Exactly. That's what the communication looks like:
> The interesting part is missing
What do you mean? That is the complete communication I just replaced 
some email-addresses.
>> #   maps
>> canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
>> virtual_alias_maps =  hash:/etc/postfix/virtual,
>>        ldap:/etc/postfix/,
>>        ldap:/etc/postfix/
>> relocated_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relocated
>> transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport,
>> ldap:/etc/postfix/
>> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
>> alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
>> #virtual_mailbox_maps = $virtual_alias_maps
>> local_recipient_maps = $virtual_alias_maps, $alias_maps
> The  problem is described here.
> One of the map should contains the email address or simply a ""
> remove it
And this is the part that confuses me: the email-address is not listed 
in any of these maps. I can send an email to mickeymouse with the same 
result. The domain is listed in the virtual table and simply redirects 
to my "main" domain as described in the Kolab FAQ ( but that can't be the case because I had the problem 
before I included that in the virtual table.
So there must be something wrong with the ldap generated maps but I have 
no clue how I can test this. Is that the normal behaviour of the kolab 


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