Authenticated relay?

Tobias Oed tobias.oed at
Tue Jun 10 15:53:42 CEST 2008

Simon Barrett wrote:
> Hello,
> How would I go about allowing a user to send using an email address from 
> another domain after authenticating with his primary kolab email address via 
> smtp auth?
> We have a .ie domain name, our .com equivalent was bought through a separate 
> provider.  A provision of that contract is mail aliasing; when set up, an 
> email to user at is sent to user at on our mail server.  
> However, a particular user requires that he can reliably send using his 
> address at is the .com domain.  He will be on the road mostly and will not 
> have a static IP.
> For the foreseeable future, only a handful of users will have this 
> requirement, so implementing and administering a second domain instance is 
> overkill.  However, I would like to have complete control over this relay and 
> send and receive all company mail through our mail server.  I would also like 
> to limit the functionality to the .com domain, if possible.

This works with kolab 2.1, it might also work with your version:
Simply add an alias to this users properties. Your kolab server will 
then allow that user to receive/send with the .ie as well as the .com 
This is managable since you don't have too many users, just hope it 
stays that way.
Tobias Oed

*Tobias Oed* - Octant Informatique <>
contact | tobias.oed at <mailto:tobias.oed at> -
04 76 50 82 38

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