Kolab 2.2 fails to build on debian etch - file permissions problem?

vincent at acheson.uk.com vincent at acheson.uk.com
Tue Jul 22 15:21:54 CEST 2008


Am trying to build kolab 2.2 on debian etch with no success. Problem may be
my own ignorance, but I would be very grateful for guidance.

I have followed advice on the wiki - esp:

I'm using a minimal install on VMWare, and debian packages from one of the
kolab mirrors

build-essential is installed, as are Bison, and Flex,
I did apt-get install gcc, make, libtool, automake and autoconf just in case
some of those wer not part of build-essential.

Did mkdir kolab, then chmod 777 /kolab (tho the install script changes
ownership back to kolab when it runs)

When I run sh install-kolab.sh  2>&1 | tee /root/kolab-install.log

I get the following output:
Changing to temporary working directory
/tmp/install-kolab.12798.18854.18988.5010 ...

Kolab installation tag (TAG):       kolab
Kolab installation prefix (PREFIX): /kolab
Kolab version (KOLAB_VERSION):      2.2.0
Kolab user name (USER):             root
Kolab user base UID (KID):          19414
Kolab restricted UID (KID):         19415
Kolab non-priviledged UID (KID):    19416
Exclude following Kolab packages:

Received no instructions. Trying to determine required action...
Found a binary OpenPKG package. This will be installed now.
OpenPKG CURRENT Binary Bootstrap Package, version 20071227
Built for prefix /kolab on target platform ix86-debian4.0
++ hooking OpenPKG instance into system environment
++ fixating OpenPKG instance root directory "/kolab"
++ extracting OpenPKG binary distribution
++ installing OpenPKG binary distribution
./openpkg-20071227-20071227.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh: line 903:
./openpkg.bzip2: No such file or directory
++ fixating OpenPKG instance filesystem hierarchy
./openpkg-20071227-20071227.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh: line 915:
/kolab/bin/openpkg: No such file or directory
++ post-processing OpenPKG bootstrap installation
./openpkg-20071227-20071227.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh: line 954:
/kolab/lib/openpkg/rpmdb: No such file or directory
cat: /kolab/etc/openpkg/platform: No such file or directory
./openpkg-20071227-20071227.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh: line 1051:
/kolab/bin/openpkg: No such file or directory
./openpkg-20071227-20071227.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh: line 1052:
/kolab/lib/openpkg/rpmtool: No such file or directory
./openpkg-20071227-20071227.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh: line 1096:
/kolab/lib/openpkg/rpmtool: No such file or directory
install-kolab.sh: line 294: /kolab/bin/openpkg: No such file or directory
----------- SETUP COMPLETED -----------

 Now running:

   /kolab/bin/openpkg build -kKBuZ -r
"/tmp/install-kolab.12798.18854.18988.5010" -p "-kolab" -D
openldap::with_pth=no -D sasl::with_ldap -D sasl::with_login -D
sasl::with_ntlm -D postfix::with_sasl -D postfix::with_ssl -D
postfix::with_ldap -D imapd::with_kolab_nocaps
          openpkg-tools openldap postfix kolabd kolab-filter kolab-freebusy
kolab-webadmin fbview-kronolith horde-kolab-client | sh

install-kolab.sh: line 312: /kolab/bin/openpkg: No such file or directory



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