A (currently theoretical) question concerning a book about the Kolab Server

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Wed Jul 16 15:24:23 CEST 2008

"Alain Spineux" <aspineux at gmail.com> writes:

>> Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
>>> I'd be really interested in writing a handbook for administrators
>>> of the Kolab server.
> Any idea of how many kolab servers are running (in production).
> And how many mailbox are hosted on such server ?

No, we don't watch the users to that extend :) We are often suprised
when there are support requests from new locations that we didn't know



> -- 
> Alain Spineux
> aspineux gmail com
> May the sources be with you
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E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                          Bundesstrasse 29
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   >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<                 

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