ldap backup

s.trenz at 43gmbh.de s.trenz at 43gmbh.de
Fri Jul 11 11:51:33 CEST 2008

hi, i try to move the kolab Server to another Hardware.
I want to do a Backup wich is already listet on wiki.kolab.org, but i  
get an Error Message if i try to backup the Ldad with the following  
/kolab/sbin/slapcat -l /backup/kolab_ldap_db.ldif
and i get this message
/kolab/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 64: new attribute <member>

the Config File looks like
#### Using overlays to improve data consistency
# Ensure that we never get dangling member attributes
# Checked on rename and delete
overlay refint
refint_attributes member # this is line 64

# The mail and the uid attribute must be unique.
overlay unique
unique_attributes mail uid

index   objectClass     pres,eq
index   uid             approx,sub,pres,eq
index   mail            approx,sub,pres,eq

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