Kolab/Horde contact phone numbers

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Thu Jul 10 12:21:07 CEST 2008

Troy Carpenter <troy at carpenter.cx> writes:

> Troy Carpenter wrote:
>> We have a large number of contacts in a shared folder on the Kolab
>> server.  Nearly all the contacts have phone numbers attached, and in
>> Kontact I can see all the data associated with a contact.
>> However, in Horde, I only see phone numbers for a few contacts.
>> When I added a phone number to one of those contacts via Horde, the
>> contact appears in Kontact with two phone entries, both labeled
>> "home", while Horde only shows the one I entered via Horde.
>> It would appear to me that Horde is not always recognizing the home
>> phone field.  I cannot say how old the records are compared to the
>> ones that are showing phone numbers. 
>> Obviously, I would like to have Horde show all the information
>> without re-entering all the (already existing) phone numbers.
>> Thanks,
>> Troy Carpenter
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> I have discovered the following in the contact.xml records stored on
> the IMAP server (as seen by opening the attachment in an email
> program):
> - <#> <phone>
>    <type>home2</type>
>    <number>123-456-6332</number>
> </phone>
> All the ones that don't show the home phone number in Horde are marked
> "home2", while the ones Horde shows (or subsequently creates), are
> marked "home1".
> Now I just need a quick way to rename all the "home2" entries to "home1".

Better not :)

While I guess this would work I think it is safer to edit the Horde
configuration to allow for a second home entry. Horde is actually
pretty flexible there.

What you'd need to do is the following:

Add a block like

 $attributes['homePhone2'] = array(
 'label' => _("Home Phone 2"),
 'type' => 'phone',
 'required' => false

to /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/turba/config/attributes.php

and add the line

'homePhone2' => 'phone-home2',

in the 'map' entry of the $cfgSources['kolab'] array in 

If people require this to work by default you should add a bug in the
Kolab bug tracker. I can easily add this to Horde and I think I just
didn't do it because there are a large number of possible phone types.



> Troy
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