Kolabinstall from repo on a Opensuse 103

Sebastian Gödecke simpsonetti at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 15 11:01:37 CET 2008

Hi list,
I'm new to kolab. I want to try out kolab on a Opensuse 10.3 maschine. This is 
a fresh install and i'm using an online repositorie as source for kolab :
If i select kolab (with the programms it need: postfix-kolab etc.) there so 
many conflicts (more then 20) so that i'm hardly never come to the point to 
install something cause if i solve one conflict, there is an other.

Is here someone who has installed kolab from the repo on a OSS103 and can 
advise me something ?

Hope you can understand my englishlanguage. 

regards Sebastian

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