Installing own ssl-certificates

admin2 at admin2 at
Mon Jan 7 11:37:59 CET 2008


I get an an ssl-cert from a third party authority. I get a ssl.key, an  
ssl.cert and i give them a Pass Phrase like i do in the bootstrap  
process, but its a new one.



Quoting "Andrew J. Kopciuch" <akopciuch at>:

> On January 7, 2008, Günter Herberholz wrote:
>> Hallo again
>> I get a totally new ssl-cert. The Problem is, when i follow the
>> installation instruction in the Wiki, that a restart of the
>> kolab-server hangs and asks for the pem pass phrase. After the
>> keyboard interaction apache hangs, and the restarts hangs. The new
>> ssl-cert as an new pem pass phrase. Where can I change this?
> Did you create your own self-signed certificate using :
> /kolab/etc/kolab/
> Or did you create an actual certificate and have it signed by a third party
> like verisign, thawte (or many others)?
> Andy

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