Migration from MS Exchange to Kolab (imapsync)

Alessio Cecchi alessio at skye.it
Fri Jan 4 10:54:26 CET 2008

Alain Spineux ha scritto:
> Dit you try the prefix1 and prefix2 options ?
> You can sync in two pass !
> First the exchange top root mailbox but excluding Inbox (option
> --exclude and friends) , then the Inbox itself.
> Regards

Yes, i have made two simple script, the first without INBOX:

imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 exchange --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" 
--host2 kolab --user2 --password2 "$p2" --delete2 --exclude INBOX

the second sync only the INBOX:

imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 exchange --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" 
--host2 kolab --user2 --password2 "$p2" --delete2 --prefix2 INBOX.


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