Kolab 2.2RC1 PHP segfaults reading email with Horde

Troy Carpenter troy at carpenter.cx
Thu Feb 28 08:05:32 CET 2008

I have now tried a reinstall from scratch of Kolab 2.2RC1, and I am getting 
the same results as before with php segfaults while reading some emails.

This is from a clean source install of the openpkg version of Kolab.  My 
machine is a 64bit Ubuntu Gutsy server.  There are no modified PHP/Apache 
packages on the system.

As before, when reading certain emails, firefox pops up a window wanting to 
download a .php file.  Apache error log shows messages like this:

[Thu Feb 28 01:33:47 2008] [notice] child pid 11230 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11)
zend_mm_heap corrupted

I don't know if it is something in the emails that is causing the problem, 
whether that would be the character set or the email structure.

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