Start from scratch

Troy Carpenter troy at
Wed Feb 27 22:11:18 CET 2008

On Wednesday 27 February 2008 03:59:52 pm cfisher at wrote:

> Sorry, I got distracted and forgot what you were planning (renaming
> /kolab) before I hit send.
> Because I was using another server I did not have the Kolab cron
> entries, users, groups, or init script to worry about. And since the
> /kolab directory is owned by the user account...  I'm not %100 sure
> what would happen.
> Personally I would rename /kolab, change it's owner/group recursively,
> delete the cron, users, group and init
> ( so it's as close to
> a %100 clean install as possible.

According to that website, I just have to do:
/kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -e `/kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -qa`

I could do that, but it seems like a lot of extra work.  Instead, I plan to 
just move the existing openpkg enviroment out of the way and install a new 
one.  The only problem may be items that are not installed in /kolab but 
instead are sprinkled into my native system.

This is not an upgrade, or a total wipe or anything like that...this is 
wanting to remove all the strange dependencies I've created by modifying the 
spec files on apache, apache-php, and php.  Right now if I do anything with 
one of those packages, I get a large number of dependency warnings, mainly in 
perl modules I had to install to support functionality I was enabling.  

If I ignore the warnings and force install the original packages, my php 
process dies every time an email comes in.  I have to put my modified 
versions back on for email to start working again.

By the time I am done, my goal is to have a clean 2.2RC1 install, same version 
I am currently running, without any modified software but still has all my 
data as stored in the existing /kolab/var directory.

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