Horde 2.2 RC1 Errors

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Fri Feb 22 10:33:42 CET 2008

Troy Carpenter <troy at carpenter.cx> writes:

> On Thursday 21 February 2008 03:03:52 am Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
>> You are referring to the hardcoded information in the the php.spec
>> which has no relevance for the build process of the Kolab server.
>> The kolabd.spec declares the following:
>> PreReq: php, php::with_pear = yes, php::with_gettext = yes,
>> php::with_dom = yes, php::with_mcrypt = yes, php::with_iconv = yes,
>> php::with_mbstring = yes, php::with_mbregex = yes, php::with_gd = yes,
>> php::with_imap = yes, php::with_ssl = yes, php::with_ctype = yes,
>> php::with_openldap = yes, php::with_mhash = yes, php::with_zlib = yes,
>> php::with_bdb = yes, php::with_imap_annotate = yes, php::with_pear =
>> yes, php::with_xml = yes, php::with_mm = yes
>> And this it the relevant bit of information.
>> If you inject packages like you did with PHP you *will* break your
>> system :)
>> Please just use the install-kolab.sh script and add your additional
>> defines for PHP there. Then you have a significantly higher chance of
>> keeping a working system.
> Ok, help me with this because I couldn't find any info like this when I 
> searched online, and ones I did find seemed to only apply to 2.1 
> installations.
> Where exactly do I add the extra defines?  Do I modify the klolabd.spec or am 
> I adding them to install-kolab.sh?  And if install-kolab.sh, where in that 
> file do I add?  Do I put it in the DEFINE= line?  What format?

Yes, you add them in the DEFINE="..." line. We should probably add
another switch in the script to make that easier.

The format is 



 -D php::with_mysql



> The reason I need the extra stuff is because there is only one server to run 
> both Kolab and a website (which needs mysql specifically and other 
> libraries).
> Thanks for your help,
> Troy
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