Vacation messages only sent internally...

Adam Katz kolab at
Wed Feb 20 16:41:11 CET 2008

Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> Hm, from the logs I can't determine the reason for sieve not
> responding. Strange.
> Then again: Your logs don't look like they don't originate from a
> standard Kolab server. What kind of system are you using?

I'm using Debian Etch packages:
kolab-cyrus-admin        2.2.13-2
kolab-cyrus-clients      2.2.13-2
kolab-cyrus-common       2.2.13-2
kolab-cyrus-imapd        2.2.13-2
kolab-cyrus-pop3d        2.2.13-2
kolab-libcyrus-imap-perl 2.2.13-2
kolab-resource-handlers  0.3.9-20060811-3
kolab-webadmin           0.4.0-20060810-4
kolabd                   1.9.4-20060707.dfsg-2
libkolab-perl            0.9.2-20060430-2
postfix                  2.3.8-2+b1
postfix-doc              2.3.8-2
postfix-ldap             2.3.8-2+b1


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