Update: Kolab/Horde - problem with ext. LDAP & IMAP

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Wed Feb 20 08:56:24 CET 2008

Hi Andre

Andre Mathibe <andre.mathibe at mortgage-services.de> writes:

> i have found the switch...
> in /kolab/lib/php/Horde/Auth/kolab.php
> .... but for my solution i need that HORDE imp,turba, etc. authenticates to 
> CyrusIMAP with the $userID,.....

I wouldn't expect this to work. If you go into the Auth class and
modify it so that you can use the UID I believe you will break Horde
in many places. I did not analyze the situation in detail but I
believe when Horde accesses the Kolab IMAP server a lot of the
procedures are dependent on knowing the users mail address.

Maybe there are workarounds to some parts and you could probably even
recode it so that Horde internally uses the UID and always calls back
on LDAP to get the mail address if required. But somehow I don't think
this makes much sense or would be worth the effort.

The current solution allows UID login by simply rewriting the UID to
the mail address on the login and thus getting the primary identifier
early on. On a standard Kolab server this works just fine.

Maybe you can describe in more detail why you need it to work with the



>>Dear list,....
>>I have set up a Kolab with Horde. on Debian. 
>>The entries in /kolab/etc/kolab.conf are pointing to an existing LDAP and 
>>(Cyrus) IMAP-Server. The necessary (internal) Kolab-Entries in LDAP are made 
>>and a user can log in (as i want) with its UID (not with the 
>>eMail-address !!!).
>>In principle it works,....after a long time the workspace comes 
>>up,...but,..... tracing the IMAP-Logfiles.....HORDE wants to athenticate 
>>against the IMAP-Server with the users eMail-address.
>>Where is the switch (in any *.conf or *.php), where HORDE/KOLAB gets the 
>>email-address and uses it as login credential???
> Andre Mathibe
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