Vacation messages only sent internally...

Adam Katz kolab at
Tue Feb 19 19:59:30 CET 2008

Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> I don't understand if you get the vacation response only to internal
> mail addresses known to the kolab server of if they are sent but only
> relayed if the original sender was an internal user. What does the
> postfix log on the Kolab server tell you? And how does the sieve
> script look like? Any information from the imap log available?

The user's sieve rules and relevant portions of the mail.log are
attached.  The included broke.log was created by my emailing the user
(usera at from an outside email server (no auto-response) and
the included works.log was create by userb emailing usera from the
kolab server (auto-response was sent immediately).  Cyrus logs to the
same file, and there were no related cyrus/imap messages anywhere in
the broken log.

Additional notes from my original inquiry:
>> Incoming mail passes through an extra relay that checks for spam
>> before passing on to the kolab server (so my users can still view old
>> mail and send new mail while somebody trashes my MX servers).  This
>> relay uses forwards users to the kolab server (so user at goes
>> to the relay, passes through spam/av filters, and is forwarded to
>> internal address user at kolab).  I have tested listing user at kolab as one
>> of the addresses in the webadmin's config to no avail.
>> The "Only react to mail coming from domain ____" field is empty.

Thanks for looking into this, Gunnar!
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