Sieve Service of Kolab 2.0 unter OpenSuSE 10.3 not running

Volker Stoppe Grenzlaeufer at
Mon Feb 11 14:16:43 CET 2008

Hallo together!

Im am running Kolab 2.0 with the native (non OpenPKG) binary-package under  
OpenSuSE 10.3. I have the problem that the sieve-service is not running. A  
"netstat -taun | grep 2000" indicates nothing. I didn´t find anything in  
the log-files. As far as I have read, the service should start with cyrus,  
but it does not. In the service-section of the Kolab-Webinterface sieve is  
Does anybody have an Idea?


Volker Stoppe

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