DBERROR: critical database situation

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Tue Feb 5 10:34:26 CET 2008

"Vladislav Tchernev" <vtchernev at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I have just fixed the problem. What was happening was that somehow I
> ended up with a bunch of corrupted imap db-s, not even sure which
> ones. I was trying to recover mailboxes.db and annotations.db from my
> hourly backup but it wasn't helping. What I did in the end and which
> fixed my setup was deleting annotations.db, db/, db.backup1,
The problem with deleting your annotations.db is that you loose all
groupware folder information thus killing the groupware functionality
of the server. Depending on the client you are using this may or may
not create problems. Hopefully your users don't use the functionality
not too much.

> db.backup2, deliver.db and tls_sessions.db, restore mailboxes.db from
> backup and run /kolab/bin/ctl_cyrusdb -r.
> Regards
> Vlad
> On Feb 4, 2008 5:54 PM, Vladislav Tchernev <vtchernev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need an urgent assistance. What happend is that on a kolab server I
>> accidentally I overwrote /kolab/sbin/sendmail binary. I have recovered it
>> from a backup few minutes later but the imap on the server got somehow
>> corrupted. Right now the incoming mail is not being deliver and I am getting
>> this errors in my imapd.log log file:
>> Feb 04 17:25:40 mail02.broadsign.com <warning> imaps[15676]: DBERROR PANIC:
>> fatal region error detected; run recovery: PANIC: fatal region error
>> detected; run recovery
>> Feb 04 17:25:40 mail02.broadsign.com <critical> imaps[15676]: DBERROR:
>> critical database situation

In such cases you can also try to use the db_recovery tool provided by
the berkeley db package.



>> I have stopped sendmail on the box since the mail is getting bounced back and
>> I have to fix the issue as soon as possible.
>> Any help will be highly appreciated
>> Thanks in advance
>> Vlad
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   >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<                 

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