Script to massively insert users into Kolab?

Volker Stoppe grenzlaeufer at
Fri Aug 29 14:38:34 CEST 2008


On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:08:00 +0200, Diego M. Vadell  
<dvadell at> wrote:

> * I made a test user through the web interface
> * dumped that user through slapcat and compared it with the ldif that
> outputs:
> * they look different!

The slapcat delivers more information then you need for the import. You  
don't need e.g. inforamtion about the creation date.
You have to customize the cvs2ldap script a little bit. If you look into  
the file you will recognize a line where a order of fields is defined by  
variables (name, uid, mail-adress...). I use this script regularly and it  
works fine.



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