Initial setup problem OpenSUSE version: Cyclic link

Klaus Vink Slott K.Slott-ls at
Wed Apr 30 13:35:54 CEST 2008


New on list.. trying to setup an evaluation server with Kolab. 

I have the same problem as described by John at Thu Apr 10 11:52:25 on this 
list: "Cyclic link when trying to start web interface"

Since then the guide at has been updated to 
address this problem, but I cant grasp the finer details in the solution. I 
can find the described file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and the line to modify, 
but I am usure what to append on the include_path.

According to my packet manager Smarty is installed 
under /usr/share/php5/Smarty so I changed the include_path to
include_path= ".:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php5/PEAR:/usr/share/php5/Smarty:/etc/kolab"

Tested it with and without trailing slashes, still no-go.

Klaus Vink Slott

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